MS-Word General Shortcuts Keys

MS-Word General Shortcuts Keys   To Cut the current selection: Ctrl + X To Copy the current selection: Ctrl + C To Paste the contents of the clipboard: Ctrl + V Bold: Ctrl + B Italics: Ctrl + I Underline: Ctrl + U Underline words only: Ctrl + Shift + W Center: Ctrl + E Make the font smaller: Ctrl + [ Make the font bigger: Ctrl + ] Change text to uppercase: Ctrl + Shift + A Change text to lowercase: Ctrl + Shift K Insert a page break: Ctrl + Enter Read more

MS Word Question and Answers Set-2

In  This Practice Set You Will Get 15 Questions.  1. Removing of unwanted Part of image is called as…….. 1. Cropping 2. Cutting 3. Removing 4. Hiding 2. Which Short Cut is use for Center Alignment of paragraph. 1. Alt + E 2. Alt + F 3.Ctrl + E 4. Ctrl + C 3. Indent and spacing option is available in which dialog box. 1. Font 2. Paragraph 3. Styles 4. Clipboard 4. Indent and spacing option is available in Read more

MS Word Question and Answers Set-1

In This Practice Set You Will Get the 15 Questions Which Are useful for Every exam. 1. Text-styling feature of MS word is known as…………… 1. Word Color 2. Word Font 3. WordArt 4. Word Fill 2. By Default Maximum Font Size of MS- Word is……….. 1. 8 2. 72 3. 80 4. 82 3. Item is printed at the bottom of each page is known as…………. 1. Header 2. Foot Note 3. Title Bar 4. Footer 4. Color the Read more