One Word Substitutions

In the following questions , out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence . Q1. Study of the interaction of people with their environment. ( a ) Ecology ( b ) Psychology ( c ) Philosophy ( d ) Geography Q2. A list of explanations of rare, technical or obsolete words . ( a ) Dictionary ( b ) Glossary ( c ) Lexicon ( d ) Catalogue Q3. Underground Read more

Propositions for, at, since, in, into, beside, besides, after, with, by, between, among, from

दोस्त इस पोस्ट में हम Prepositions के बारे में पढ़ंगें । इस में हम जानेंगे की  Prepositions क्या होती है और इसके प्रकार क्या हैं और कुछ उदाहरण :- Prepositions :- A word used before a noun is called prepositions. Types of Prepositions :- Simple Preposition Double Preposition Compound Preposition Participle Preposition Phrase Preposition Some of the Propositions are as :- for, at, since, in, into, beside, besides, after, with, by, between, among, from 1 ). Rohan lives (1) …… Rampur Read more


Determiners Words that are placed in front of a noun to make it clear what the noun refers to. Types of Determiners 1. Definite Article : a, an, the 2. Demonstratives: those, this, that, these 3. Possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, their 4. Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough, a few 5. Numbers: one, two, three, four ten, thirty and so on 6. Distributives: all, both, half, either, neither, each, every 7. Difference Words: Read more