What is html, its tags elements and attributes

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Here in this post we will read what is html, its definition, and various formatting tag and at last we will do some practice of question also.

HTML Question Answer


It is a markup language which is used to define the layout and attributes of a World Wide Web document used to create links between web pages.

Formatting tags in HTML?

  • <b>– makes text bold
  • <i>– makes text italic
  • <del>– displays as strike out text
  • <strong>– marks the text as important
  • <mark>– highlights the text
  • <ins>– displays as added text
  • <em>– makes text italic but with added semantics importance
  • <big>– increases the font size of the text by one unit
  • <small>– decreases the font size of the text by one unit
  • <sub>– makes the text a subscript
  • <sup>– makes the text a superscript
  • <i>– to give italic style
  • <u>– to underline the text
  • <mark>– to highlight some text
  • <del>– to strikethrough some text

Target attributes

HTML provides a hyperlink – <a> tag to specify the links in a webpage. The ‘href’ attribute is used to specify the link and the ‘target’ attribute is used to specify, where do we want to open the linked document. The ‘target’ attribute can have the following values:

  1. _self: This is a default value. It opens the document in the same window or tab as it was clicked.
  2. _blank: It opens the document in a new window or tab.
  3. _parent: It opens the document in a parent frame.
  4. _top: It opens the document in a full-body window.


——— Here Are The some Question for your practice ———

Q1. HTML Stands for……..

  1. Hypertext Markup Language
  2. Hypertest Markup Language
  3. Hypertext Mean Language
  4. Hypertext Module Language

Answer : – Hypertext Markup Language

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Q2. HTML is designed by ……..

  1. Tim Berners Lee
  2. Charles Babae
  3. Mark Jukerberg
  4. Sun Mircrosoft

Answer :-  Tim Berners Lee

Note: – It is designed in 1990 at CERN

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Q3. HTML is subset of………

  1. SCMD
  2. SGML
  3. SGMT
  4. All of these

Answer : – SGML

Note:- SGML (Standard General Markup Language). It is high level markup language.

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Q4. Web pages starts with which of the following tags ?

  1. < body>
  2. < title>
  3. <form>
  4. <html>

Answer : – <html>

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Q5. WWW is based on which model.

  1. local server
  2. client server
  3. 3 tier
  4. none of these

Answer : – 3 tier 

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Q6. Correct HTML tag for largest heading is…….

  1. <head>
  2. < H6>
  3. <heading>
  4. <H1>

Answer : –     <H1>        

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Q7. What is the correct HTML for adding a background color.

  1. <background < yellow <Background>
  2. <body color = “yellow”>
  3. <body bg= “yellow”>
  4. <body bgcolor= “yellow”>

Answer : – <body bgcolor= “yellow”>

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Q8. tag is used to start a paragraph?

  1. <td>
  2. <br>
  3. <p>
  4. <tr>

Answer : – <p>

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Q9. tag used for stating descriptive list ?

  1. <dd>
  2. <ds>
  3. <dl>
  4. <ll>

Answer : – <dl>

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Q10. Which of the tags is used to create a number list ?

  1. <ll>
  2. <ol>
  3. <li>
  4. <li> or <ol>

Answer : – <ol>

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Q11. Which is correct syntax for adding a link to the image.

  1. <a src=”http://www.xyz.com/image”><img src=”path of image” /></a>
  2. <a href=”http://www.xyz.com/image”><img src=”path of image” /></a>
  3. <a src=”http://www.xyz.com/image”><img href=”path of image” /></a>
  4. <link href=”http://www.xyz.com/image”><img src=”path of image” /></link>

Answer : – <a href=”http://www.xyz.com/image”><img src=”path of image” /></a>

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Q12. Comments in HTML is done by…..

  1. <?– –>
  2. <!– –>
  3. <!– –!>
  4. </– –>

Answer : – <!– –>

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Q13. Which tag is used for left align in table cell.

  1. <td left>
  2. <td align = “left”>
  3. <td raligh = “left”>
  4. <td left>

Answer : – <td align = “left”>

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Q14. <DIR> tag can have only…………characters.

  1. 18
  2. 22
  3. 12
  4. 24

Answer : – 18

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Q15. Which symbol is used to start HREF text. 

  1. $
  2. #
  3. %
  4. !

Answer : – #

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Q16. <dt> tag is designed to fit a ………….line. 

  1. single
  2. multiple
  3. full paragraph
  4. word

Answer : – single

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Q17. <dd> tag is designed to fit a ………….line. 

  1. single
  2. multiple
  3. full paragraph
  4. word

Answer : – full paragraph

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Q18. Tag used to create a hypertext relationship between current document and other URL. 

  1. <ISINDEX>
  2. <A>
  3. <LINK>
  4. <HREF>

Answer : – <A>

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Q19. Total No of level are in HTML is/are. 

  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 6
  4. 5

Answer : – 4

Note :- These are Level O, Level 1, Level 2,Level 3

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Q20. which is/are the HTML Meta Tags form the following

  2. title
  3. link, meta and style
  4. All of these

Answer : – All of these

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Q21. Which is/are the attributes of Image Tags.

  1. scr
  2. title
  3. alt, height, width
  4.  All of these
    Ans:- All of these
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