Various Way to set down your Computer/PC/Laptop

Various Way to set down your Computer/PC/Laptop

1.  Using Shortcut

For Windows 10

  1. Right-click on any blank space on desktop screen.
  2. Now Select the New Option then select the “Shortcut”.
  3. Type this “SlideToShutDown” in the dialog box.
  4. Click the Next, provide a new name to the shortcut and click Finish.
  5. This will create the shortcut on the desktop.
  6. Double-click on the shortcut to launch the slide to shutdown.

2.  Using Start button

For Windows 10

  1. “Start” (Win key).
  2. Type SlideToShutDown
  3. Press Enter
  4. This will slide-in the shutdown menu.

3.  Using Run dialog

  1. Press “Run” (Win + R key).
  2. Now type this command SlideToShutDown in the run dialog.
  3. Click the OK button or hit Enter key.
  4. This will slide-in the shutdown menu.

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