Propositions for, at, since, in, into, beside, besides, after, with, by, between, among, from

दोस्त इस पोस्ट में हम Prepositions के बारे में पढ़ंगें ।
इस में हम जानेंगे की  Prepositions क्या होती है और इसके प्रकार क्या हैं और कुछ उदाहरण :-

Prepositions :-

A word used before a noun is called prepositions.
Types of Prepositions :-
  1. Simple Preposition
  2. Double Preposition
  3. Compound Preposition
  4. Participle Preposition
  5. Phrase Preposition

Some of the Propositions are as :-

for, at, since, in, into, beside, besides, after, with, by, between, among, from

1 ). Rohan lives (1) …… Rampur (2)…….. Aligarh.
1. at, in
2. in, at
3. at, at
4. both 1 and 2
Answer is: – at, in
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2). Sita and gita lives…….. meerut.
1. at
2. in
3. into
4. None of these
Answer is: – in
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3). Roshni will go to Jaipur…….the morning.
1. at
2. into
3. in
4. None of these
Answer is: – in
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4). They left…….. 4 o’clock for morning hills.
1. for
2. at
3. on
4. from
Answer is: -at
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5. Rohan came………. the English class ………. 10 o’clock.
1. at, into
2. in, at
3. into, at
4. into, for
Answer is: – into, at
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6). Ravi is studying ….. Class room.
1. in
2. at
3. into
4. for
Answer is: – in
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7). I know mohan……… 1999.
1. from
2. for
3. since
4. both 1 and 2
Answer is: – for
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8). I have met him………. monday.
1. from
2. for
3. since
4. both 1 and 2
Answer is: -since
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9). We are going to kurukshetra …………….. childhood.
1. since
2. for
3. from
4. in
Answer is: – since
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10).  I lived ……..mumbai …….2 years.
1. in, from
2. in, since
3. at, since
4. in, for
Answer is: – in, since
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11). Ram is playing that game ……… morning.
1. for
2. since
3. from
4. A and B both
Answer is: – since 
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12). Ram went……..water for swimming.
1. in
2. upon
3. from
4. into
Answer is: – into
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13). The book is ……………..table
1. in
2. upon
3. on
4. into
Answer is: – on
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14). Ram jumped ………the car.
1. since
2. upon
3. at
4. for
Answer is: – upon
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15). Is that a cat sleeping ……… your car?
1. at
2. upon
3. on
4. into
Answer is: – on
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