MS Word Question and Answers Set-3

In  This Practice Set You Will Get 15 Questions. 

1. Smart art comes under ………..
1. home Tab
2. insert Tab
3. page layout tab
4. view tab

Answer is :- insert tab
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2. if you want to add a table in word file where you will go
1. home Tab > Clipboard> table
2. insert Tab > table> table
3. page layout tab > paragraph> table
4. view tab > documents> table

Answer is :- insert tab> table> table
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3. in which tab hyperlink is available.
1. Home Tab
2. Insert Tab
3. Page layout tab
4. View tab

Answer is :- Insert tab
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4. Bookmark option comes under which group.
1. Page
2. Tables
3. Links
4. Text

Answer is :- Links
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5. Creating a first letter Capital in the beginning of paragraph is known as…….
1. Uppercase
2. Drop cap
3. Letter capital
4. Grow letter

Answer is :- Drop cap
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6. Short cut key for creating the Common Maths Equation.
1. Ctrl + =
2. Alt + =
3. Ctrl + Shift + =
4. Shift + =

Answer is :- Ctrl + =
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7. What is short cut key for page break.
1. Ctrl + page down
2. Ctrl + return
3. Ctrl + Shift + return
4. alt+ return

Answer is :- Ctrl + return 
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8. How many chart template available in insert chart.
1. 11
2. 10
3. 12
4. 9

Answer is :- 11
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9. In which header and footer are available.
1. Home Tab
2. Insert Tab
3. Page layout tab
4. View tab

Answer is :- Insert tab
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10. Short cut key for inserting equation.
1. Ctrl + }
2. Ctrl + =
3. alt + =
4. Ctrl + {

Answer is :- alt + =
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11. Short cut key for creating hyperlink.
1. Ctrl + K
2. Ctrl + H
3. alt + H
4. Ctrl + Shift + H

Answer is :- Ctrl + K
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12. in which tab text box is available.
1. Home Tab
2. Insert Tab
3. Page layout tab
4. View tab

Answer is :- Insert tab
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13. in which group word art option is available.
1. Text
2. Links
3. illustrations
4. Tables

Answer is :- Text
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14. if you want to add a date and time in word document where you will go.
1. home Tab > Clipboard> date and time
2. insert Tab > text > date and time
3. page layout tab > paragraph> date and time
4. view tab > documents> date and time

Answer is :- insert Tab > text > date and time
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15. if you want to add a excel spreadsheet in word document where you will go.
1. home Tab > Clipboard> excel spreadsheet
2. page layout tab > paragraph> excel spreadsheet
3. view tab > documents> excel spreadsheet
4. insert Tab > table> excel spreadsheet

Answer is :- insert Tab > table> excel spreadsheet
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